2024 Prix Italia Winners

26 settembre 2024 ore 11:17

2024 CATALOGUE   |   WINNERS   |   FINALISTS   |   SHORTLIST: R ·  T ·  D   |   2024 COMPETITION


⧉  The Jury

Dirk Hühner (ARD, Germany), Eoin O Kelly (RTÉ, Ireland), Gianmaurizio Foderaro (RAI, Italy), Toms Andris Putniņš (LATVIJAS RADIO, Latvia), Johan Klareskog Larsson (SVERIGES RADIO, Sweden), Lizzie Hoskin (BBC, United Kingdom), Luigi Picardi (RV, Vatican State).

The President: Lizzie Hoskin (BBC, United Kingdom).


Germany ARD

Exzess. Eine Techno-Oper (Excess. A Techno Opera)

Author: Noam Brusilovsky (Libretto). Direction: Noam Brusilovsky, Tobias Purfürst. Actors: Susanna Hurrell (Soprano); Peter Becker, Kilian Jörg, Jorinde Schulz, Lisa Hrdina, Rainer Sellien, Aviran Edri, Amy Benkenstein, Hannah Müller, Chiara Palmer, Guillaume Robin, Jorinde Schulz, Johan Andersson, Markus Hänsel (Voices). Composer: Tobias Purfürst. Editing: Juliane Schmidt. Technical Realisation: Nikolaus Löwe, Ulrich Hieber. Assistant Director: Eunike Kramer. Producing Organisation: Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg.


An innovative, brave and bold programme with incredible sound design... And a new genre? The programme makers called it a techno opera... but we think it's actually a new genre... This "operamentary" demonstrates the true art of radio with its well-blended combination of passionate taboo-busting storytelling, actuality and brand-new musical composition. Exzess gave exclusive VIP access to a clubbing underworld that some people want to know more about... but might want too scared to find out. This techno-opera programme provided an instantly accessible doorway into another alternative world and way of life. The panel was unanimous in its decision: Exzess contained an astonishing depth of work despite a tiny team. It took on taboo subjects - drug use, sexuality, 'alternative' lifestyles - and eschewed the usual path of morality that this type of programme sometimes pursues. In fact, it took 'morality' and elevated it by merging it with immersive sound design and dramatic new music: something the Radio and Music Panel thought transformed this "operamentary" into true radio art.


Denmark DR

Hvem er Tessa? (Who is Tessa?)

United Kingdom BBC

Between the Ears: Henry Mancini


⧉  The Jury

Fernando Farías (RTA, Argentina), Chetah Bilé (CRTV, Cameroon), Katja Šimunić (HRT, Croatia), Perrine Kervran (ARTE FRANCE, France), Pásztor Zoltán (MTVA, Hungary), Ellen Dorrestein (NPO, The Netherlands), Andrzej Brzoska (PR, Poland), Klemen Markovčič (RTVSLO, Slovenia), Yevhenii Chyzh (UA:PBC, Ukraine).

The President: Ellen Dorrestein (NPO, The Netherlands).


Austria ORF

Blasse Stunden/ Blijedi sati (Pale Hours/ Blijedi Sati)

Author: Manuela Tomic. Direction: Andreas Jungwirth; Daniela Gassner (Assistant). Actors: Marie-Luise Stockinger, Ljubiša Lupo Grujčić, Sandy Lopičić, Ana Stefanovic Bilic, Luka Vlatković. Sound Track: Manuel Radinger, Elmar Peinelt. Translation: Theresa Grandits, Davor Frkat (Serbo-Croatian), Kimi Lum (English). Intern: Cassilda Verderber. Producers: Elisabeth Zimmermann (Ö1), Stefanie Zussner (Line Producer).


Pale Hours deals magnificently with several tough human issues at the same time, by exploring the implications of the Bosnian war for one particular family. It does so by creating a poetic narrative that employs both German and Serbo-Croatian, creating a mosaic of languages that results in a truly unique listening experience. It moves forwards and backwards in both time and space, enveloping the listener in an immersive story. This multi-layered story with important themes of war, exile and migration is at once extraordinarily personal and vulnerable. It is incredibly valuable for its historical and political context, but at its core Pale hours is a story of cultural identity, family trauma and family relationships and is therefore a deeply relatable work of art.


Finland YLE

Medeas dotter (Medea's Daughter)

United Kingdom BBC

Voices from the End of the World


⧉  The Jury

Gerhard Hafner (ORF, Austria), Clémence Tuina (RTB, Burkina Faso), Caroline Jamet (CBC/SRC, Canada), Jesper Dein (DR, Denmark), Antti Karhumäki (YLE, Finland), Tanaka Takanobu (NHK, Japan), Vita Ličytė (LRT, Lithuania), Nevena Matović (RTS, Serbia).

The President: Jesper Dein (DR, Denmark).


United Kingdom BBC

To Catch a Scorpion

Direction: Sue Mitchell, Winifred Robinson, Joel Moors. Sound Track: Mom Tudie. Reporters: Sue Mitchell, Rob Lawrie. Production Year: 2024.


It is an impressive production - which demonstrates incredible courage, creative editing, undercover recordings and strong investigative journalism. Produced by a small team with a deep desire to bring justice to the victims, this documentary has had a great international impact by the arrest of the human trafficking leader the Scorpion himself. It is a unique and important story which demonstrates the power of the sound media. Furthermore, the 30-minute duration of each chapter/section is a great example of modern podcast documentary. We would also like to recognize the Ukranian production submitted this year which is a testament to the strength of the radio medium to document compelling stories and record invaluable testimony.


Denmark DR

Kidnappet (Kidnapped)


Noahs nya pappor (Noah's New Dads)


⧉  The Jury

Adele Cardamone-Martel (CBC/SRC, Canada), Tony Mekhael (ART, Egypt), Vuk Perović (RTCG, Montenegro), Karolina Socha-Kalinowska (TVP, Poland), Carlos Maio (RTP, Portugal), Alina Amza (TVR, Romania), Olena Kryvenko (UA:PBC, Ukraine), Rachel Davies (BBC, United Kingdom).

The President: Karolina Socha-Kalinowska (TVP, Poland).


United Kingdom BBC

Peaky Blinders: Rambert's The Redemption of Thomas Shelby

Author: Steven Knight. Direction: Benoit Swan Pouffer (Choreography), Matt Hargraves (Camera). Narrating Voice: Benjamin Zephaniah. Dancers: Guillaume Queau, Naya Lovell, Conor Kerrigan, Joseph Kudra, Musa Motha, Alex Soulliere, Angelique Blasco, Adel Balint, Aishwarya Raut, Antonello Sangirardi, Dylan Tedaldi, Archie White, Max Day, Cali Hollister, Caiti Carpenter, Jonathan Wade, Seren Williams, Tristan Carter. Sound Track: Roman GianArthur. Editing: Stephen Bevan. Photography: Rowan Biddiscombe. Producers: Helen Shute, Steven Knight, Emma Cahusac, Fiona Morris, Caryn Mandabach. Producing Organisations: Rambert, North South. Coproducing Organisations: BBC, The Space; with Birmingham Hippodrome (stage prod.), The Lowry. Production Year: 2023.


This outstanding production uniquely blends gripping storytelling with breathtaking choreography, immersing the audience in the complex world of Thomas Shelby and his family. Through innovative dance, the performance captures the emotional depth and moral dilemmas of its characters, while the striking visuals and haunting score enhance the overall experience. This production not only showcases exceptional talent but also redefines traditional storytelling, making it accessible and engaging for a diverse audience.


Germany ZDF

Beethovens Neun – Ode an die Menschlichkeit (Beethoven's Nine – Ode to Humanity)

Italy RAI

Banksy e la ragazza del Bataclan (Banksy and the Stolen Girl)


⧉  The Jury

Edlira Roqi (RTSH, Albania), Alexandre Pletser (RTBF, Belgium), Pekka Ruohoranta (YLE, Finland), Pascale Deschamps (FRANCE TÉLÉVISIONS, France), Stefanie Groß (ARD, Germany), Kawakami Takeshi (NHK, Japan), Rozafë Meta Gashi (RTK, Kosovo), Natalija Gorščak (RTVSLO, Slovenia), Jacqueline Hlongwane (SABC, South Africa), Lisa Andrae (SVT, Sweden), Walter Bortolotti (SRG SSR, Switzerland).

The President: Pascale Deschamps (FRANCE TÉLÉVISIONS, France).




Authors, Screenplay: Alice Géraud, Marc Herpoux. Direction: Jean-Xavier de Lestrade. Actors: Alix Poisson, Olivier Gourmet, Julien Frison, Jonathan Turnbull, Noémie Lvovsky, Clémence Poésy, Pauline Parigot. Sound Track: Raf Keunen. Editing: Sophie Brunet. Photography: Elin Kirschfink. Producers: Matthieu Belghiti (What's Up), Pascal Breton, Lionel Uzan (Federation). Producing Organisations: France 2, What's Up Films, Federation Studios. Coproducing Organisations: Versus Production, participation of France TV. Production Year: 2023.


Though this is a series about violence to women, the style and tone are innovative. The directing is very close to the human situation. It doesn't try to be emotional or explicative. It is very bold and brave to see the rapist in the first episode and then we never loose interest. The message here is "loud and clear": men are cowards, they tend not to watch at things they don't want to see. It is a story about denial and the failure of police and justice.


Spain RTVE

La ley del mar (The Law of the Sea)

United Kingdom ITV

Mr Bates vs The Post Office


⧉  The Jury

Alba Kepi (ORA, Albania), Valery Marinov (BNT, Bulgaria), Tabe Ebangha Enonchong (CRTV, Cameroon), Martina Šantavá (ČT, Czech Republic), Philipp Müller (ZDF, Germany), Merkl László (MTVA, Hungary), Fabio Mancini (RAI, Italy), Gabriella Tafuri (TV2000, Italy), Worood Alkhazali (JRTV, Jordan), Kim Jongwoo (MBC, South Korea), Gena Teodosievska (MRT, North Macedonia), Pablo Ramírez (RTVE, Spain).

The President: Gena Teodosievska (MRT, North Macedonia).


Italy RAI

Pericolosamente vicini – Vivere con gli orsi (Dangerously Close – Living with Bears)

Direction: Andreas Pichler. Producing Organisation: Beetz Brothers FILM Productions. Coproducing Organisations: Miramonte Film, BR, SWR, SKY, RAI.


This documentary wakes us up from a long-lasting dream about our connection to the planet - our planet: the way we treat nature, animals and, ultimately, ourselves. The coexistence of humans and nature with wild animals has always affected both them and us. Can we separate their world from ours in this respect? This film is an example of careful research that clearly highlights differences and similarities between "them" and "us" - the bears and the people living nearby. All hell breaks loose when a human being is attacked and found dead. It is not easy not to take sides. It is hard to be neutral, but the filmmakers managed to do exactly that. They made a great story by including all elements and subjects, watching and listening to all parties involved. The film has its own script structure and narrative rhythm. Andreas Pichler is experienced enough to find a balance between emotions and decisions from different sides. It is a much-needed film that challenges our moral behaviour and ethics, and envisages our future in building and preserving a sensitive ecosystem.



Nous, jeunesse(s) d'Iran (We, the Youth of Iran)

United Kingdom ITV

Ukraine's War: The Other Side


⧉  The Jury

Gerald Heidegger (ORF, Austria), Anna Vošalíková (ČRO, Czech Republic), Kåre Vedding Poulsen (DR, Denmark), Stefan Primbs (ARD, Germany), Ito Takahito (NHK, Japan), Barbara Daljavec (RTVSLO, Slovenia), Sofia Manieri (SVT, Sweden), Olena Duniak (UA:PBC, Ukraine), Daisy Scalchi (BBC, United Kingdom).

The President: Kåre Vedding Poulsen (DR, Denmark).


The Netherlands NPO

DIT is jouw verhaal (DIT Is Your Story)

Direction: Matthias van Turenhout, Hans van der Linden, Jan Pieter Kos. Content, Project Manager: Jacob de Vries. Designers: Julius Simon, David Vink, Remi Grootscholte. Developers: Lennart Klein, Edwin Boon, Herman Kremer, Jore Booy, Jesse Flikweert, Eva Hellenthal, Annewien Schreuders, Keoma Ong-A-Fat. Website Editors: Marinka Wagemans, Eshter van Adrichem, Nicolette de Boer, Steve Oosterkamp, Willem de Gelder, Mariska van der Veen, Merel Haisma. Social Media Editors: Babette Englebert, Ruben Jansen, Colin Ursinus. Producer: Gerjo van Eijnsbergen. Producing Organisation: EO.


The Dutch platform umbrella DIT" includes different formats of factual content proving a high level of online audience engagement. "DIT" manages to create stories and content with user experiences at its very center. The interface and technologies are successfully engaging a variety of different perspectives and provides clever ways to bring people together on safe platforms with an impressive reach.



Mascus, les hommes qui détestent les femmes (Mascus, Women-Hating Men)

Sweden SVT



⧉  The Jury

Besmir Godolja (RTSH, Albania), Petra Chaloupková (ČT, Czech Republic), Sophia Synodinos (FRANCE TÉLÉVISIONS, France), Beate Bramstedt (ZDF, Germany), Bartłomiej Makowski (PR, Poland), Ke-Ren Wang (SRG SSR, Switzerland).

The President: Ke-Ren Wang (SRG SSR, Switzerland).


Czech Republic ČT

No Big Deal

Direction: Jan Vejnar. Sound Track: Aid Kid. Photography: Šimon Dvorácek. Producers: Jakub Mahler (Creative); Karolína Vodicková, Romana Špiková (Executive). Production Year: 2024.


The exceptionally high quality of submissions made the decision particularly challenging. However, as is the nature of competitions, only one project can be awarded the prize. It is with great pleasure that we reveal this year's winner: "No Big Deal—by CT". The project captivated the Jury with its innovative meta-narrative approach, exploring the complex ways in which young audiences engage with digital platforms and media. The issue of how we interact and present ourselves online is not only universal but profoundly relevant to our everyday lives. It raises the questions for us, especially as broadcasters, about our role and responsibility within this evolving media landscape. In this regard, we must stress the strength of digital storytelling and recognize the unique opportunities of the multitude of interactivity and distribution forms that are available to us. We would like to congratulate CT and all the finalists for posing us such a challenging task once again.


Poland TVP

Procesy (Processes)

Spain RTVE

Dieciocho (Eighteen)


⧉  The Jury

Nathan Farr (CBC/SRC, Canada), Taneli Arponen (YLE, Finland), Leitner Attila (MTVA, Hungary), Alessio Rocchi (RAI, Italy), Aleksandra Prokopiuk (TVP, Poland), Sonja Savić Vezmar (RTV, Serbia), César Peña (RTVE, Spain), Laura Marks (CH4, United Kingdom), Neuvides Guerrero (TELESUR, Venezuela).

The President: Aleksandra Prokopiuk (TVP, Poland).


Spain RTVE

Lab Orquesta – Música artificial para humanos (Lab Orquesta – Artificial Music for Humans)

Direction, Content Manager: Juan Manuel Cuéllar. Designers: Joel Filipe, Bárbara López, Boris Guzmáns. Producing Organisations: Lab.RTVE, RTVE Orchestra and Choir..


This project stands out not only for its fresh, future-forward approach but also for its deep understanding of our culture and the essence of human interactions. It playfully embraces the world of AI while thoughtfully addressing our collective anxieties about technological progress. Innovative yet full of heart, it makes us laugh and offers something rare in the digital world — a genuine collective experience. It also serves as a reminder to creators that you don't need limitless resources to produce something cutting-edge — a great project begins with a clear idea.


Finland YLE

Mysteerijuna – Pakopeli raiteilla (Mystery Train – An Escape Game on Tracks)

The Netherlands NPO

De Jurk en het Scheepswrak (The Gown and the Shipwreck)


⧉  The Jury

Claudio Cappon (COPEAM), Susan Beccio (IFAD), Gino Alberico (RAI).

The President: Susan Beccio (IFAD).



Gaspillage alimentaire, n'en jetez plus ! (Food Waste: Receipe for Recycling)

Author, Direction: Lionel Baillon. Sound Track: Jérôme Perez, David Hadjadj. Editing: Fabienne Clavier-Kaufinger. Producer: Mathieu Hucher (Match Prod), Patrice Lorton (Capa Presse). Producing Organisations: France 5, Matcha Prod, Capa Presse. Coproducing Organisation: with the participation of France TV. Production Year: 2023.


We chose this documentary that explores modern food waste in France and provides a range of practical solutions, some of which viewers at home can replicate. With one third of all food in the world wasted before it reaches the table, the broadcaster makes an honest attempt to raise awareness and stimulate action.


Algeria EPTV

Together… We Innovate

Germany ZDF

Echtes Fleisch ohne Tier – Die Zukunft schmeckt anders (Real Meat, Without Animals – A Taste of the Future)


⧉  The Jury

Elena Capparelli (RAI), Emelie de Jong (RADIO FRANCE, 2024 Prix Italia President), Graham Ellis (BBC), Frank-Dieter Freiling (ZDF), Walter Iuzzolino (Eagle Eye Drama).

The President: Emelie de Jong (RADIO FRANCE, 2024 Prix Italia President).


Spain RTVE

La ley del mar (The Law of the Sea)

Direction: Alberto Ruiz Rojo. Actors: Luis Tosar, Sonia Almarcha, Blanca Portillo, Víctor Clavijo, Lamine Thior, Álex Monner, Alfonso Lara, Carlos Serrano, Ramón Ródenas, Eva Marciel, Pau Durá. Editing: Fernando Márquez, David Nieves, Fernando Vázquez. Music: Jeansy Asuz. Sound: Eddi Walter, Carlos Faruolo. Producers: Rafa Parbus, Enrique Pérez Vergara. Producing Organisations: Studio 60, McFly Films. Production Year: 2024.


This TV drama series, submitted by RTVE, addresses one of the most terrible issues of our time: the question of migration, those men, women and children who seek to flee their countries in order to survive and to find a better life. The action makes convincingly tangible, through the daily lives of Spanish fishermen, the force of human solidarity when confronted with the inhuman treatment of migrants by our societies. This strong drama series questions universal values and tackles issues that we are faced with and we too often look the other way. But as a seaman, you can't escape the "Law of the Sea". The jury was impressed by the high level of quality of the submitted programmes, be it for TV, digital or radio. Social issues are at the heart of most of the programmes, once again proof of the responsibility that we, as producers and broadcasters, globally have in nurturing reflection on and in fostering awareness of society's concerns.



⧉  The Jury

Gianluca Fiusco, Mariachiara Martina, Adela Peeva.

The President: Adela Peeva.


Germany ARD

Sieben Winter in Teheran (Seven Winters in Tehran)

Author, Direction: Steffi Niederzoll. Producing Organisation: Westdeutscher Rundfunk.


Seven Winters in Tehran directed by Steffi Niederzoll is a gripping and evocative documentary, which goes into a very actual subject: injustice and violence against women in Iran. In her moving and shockingly topical documentary debut, among other things, she uses original audio and visual material that was smuggled out of Iran. The style, the screenplay, the mosaic of very different video contributions makes the film strong engaging.



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