Digital Fiction

06 settembre 2024 ore 11:23


⧉  The Jury

Besmir Godolja (RTSH, Albania), Petra Chaloupková (ČT, Czech Republic), Sophia Synodinos (FRANCE TÉLÉVISIONS, France), Beate Bramstedt (ZDF, Germany), Bartłomiej Makowski (PR, Poland), Ke-Ren Wang (SRG SSR, Switzerland).

The President: Ke-Ren Wang (SRG SSR, Switzerland).



The Finalists

Czech Republic

No Big Deal

Direction: Jan Vejnar. Sound Track: Aid Kid. Photography: Šimon Dvorácek. Producers: Jakub Mahler (Creative); Karolína Vodicková, Romana Špiková (Executive). Production Year: 2024.

This drama series with comic and satirical touches explores from different perspectives the intimate lives of young adults under the influence of "communication platforms" in their lives, and in particular the OnlyFans network, which has grown in popularity in recent years. In the story of Žofie and Roman, a couple in crisis, and their friend Andrea, we witness the sexual, psychological, and social evolution of all three characters, as well as various observations, comments, and cultural reflections. The plot revolves around the unexpected entry of the influencer Andrea into the couple's stagnant life, who initiates them towards an ambiguous emancipation and the admission of their own weaknesses and addictions.


Procesy (Processes)

Direction: Andrei Kashpersky. Producing Organisation: TVP (BielsatTV). Production Year: 2023.

An award-winning dystopian YouTube series, infused in satire, grotesque, absurd and black humour, offers an artistic reflection on the Belarusian reality of today and the country's potential future. The authors ask what might happen if the ongoing socio-political processes are not stopped: unprecedented repression, the disintegration of society, for some living in constant fear and complete impunity for others, internal migrations, self-censorship, the triumph of intellectual nihilism and ignorance, the humiliation and scapegoating of the innocent. This tragicomic series explores the most absurd scenarios, trying to answer the question: scapegoating "What if...?". Each instalment is a self-contained story, but the individual episodes are linked together by recurring characters and artistic choices.



Dieciocho (Eighteen)

Direction: Hammudi Al-Rahmoun Font, Damià Serra Cauchetiez. Content Manager: Alberto Fernández. Producing Organisations: RTVE, À Punt Radiotelevisó de les Illes Balears (IB3). Coproducing Organisations: Little Dream Films, Set Màgic Audiovisual, The Fly Hunter, Empatic Films. Production Year: 2023.

Cèlia and Moha meet in a kitchen. For Cèlia this job is a sentence: she has to serve hours of community service, ordered by a judge. For Moha this job is a reward, bringing him closer to his goal of obtaining his papers. Although it does not seem like it, the two have much in common as they find out as they overcome prejudices and begin to see each other as they really are. Eighteen is a series about the difficulty of communicating, the impossible love between Moha and Cèlia, the constant struggle of Sandra, the social educator, the prejudices of Matías, Celia's brother, and the reluctance of their mother Ester. It is an intimate series that deals with the dreams, prejudices, and loneliness of the protagonists as they discover their first love.




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