Prix Italia - Ifad - Copeam Special Prize

06 settembre 2024 ore 11:24


⧉  The Jury

Claudio Cappon (COPEAM), Susan Beccio (IFAD), Gino Alberico (RAI).

The President: Susan Beccio (IFAD).



The Finalists


Together… We Innovate

Author, Direction, Editing: Sofiane Moknine. Photography: Sofiane Haffar, Salah Haffar, Ibrahim Ballou, Salah Said. Other Participants: Youcef Baba Ami, Bakir Bouhoun Ali, Omar Hajj Said, Ibrahim Khalil, Baba Ami, Abdel Rahman Ben Youcef.

The film follows the journey of Youcef Baba Ami, a young inventor born in 2005 in the town of el Attef, in the southern Algerian city of Ghardaïa, 600 km from the capital. He is a high school student with a passion for technology, electronics and smart systems since childhood. In 13 minutes, we will follow the young Youcef Baba Ami through his process of inventing a remote-control system for irrigating orchards and equipping his small home room with smart systems. We will also highlight his activities in the "Let's Innovate for Science and Technology" association in the town of el Attef, which had a great impact on the young man's development, focusing him and teaching him the basics of technology control, teamwork and project and innovation management.


Gaspillage alimentaire, n'en jetez plus ! (Food Waste: Receipe for Recycling)

Author, Direction: Lionel Baillon. Sound Track: Jérôme Perez, David Hadjadj. Editing: Fabienne Clavier-Kaufinger. Producer: Mathieu Hucher (Match Prod), Patrice Lorton (Capa Presse). Producing Organisations: France 5, Matcha Prod, Capa Presse. Coproducing Organisation: with the participation of France TV. Production Year: 2023.

In France, more than a third of the food produced never reaches a plate. Every French person throws away 130 kilos of food a year. This disaster has an impressive cost, estimated at over 16 billion euros a year. Yet the Garot law of 2016 prohibits the destruction of consumable food and requires players to find solutions to limit unsold losses. So, who are those responsible for this gigantic waste? Waste affects all levels of the food chain: producers, industry, supermarkets, restaurants and individuals. Numerous initiatives to put an end to this aberration are being launched in all sectors.



Echtes Fleisch ohne Tier – Die Zukunft schmeckt anders (Real Meat, Without Animals – A Taste of the Future)

Author, Direction, Producer: Ingolf Baur. Sound Track: Ralf Schönwiese. Editing: Tim Greiner. Photography: Florian Kössl. Other Participants: Experts and interview partners: Josh Tetrick, Lukas Böni, Alison Van Eenenaam, Ernst Hermann Maier, Aryé Elfenbein. Production Year: 2024.

It looks like chicken, it tastes like chicken, but it's not made from animals. In California, meat and fish are now grown in bioreactors. Science journalist Ingolf Baur tried them both. In 2022, the average person in Germany consumed 52 kilograms of meat. Now, companies worldwide are painstakingly cultivating muscle cells to satisfy our cravings for meat in an eco-friendly and ethical way. Could we soon enjoy real meat, guilt-free and without animal suffering? What other alternatives are out there? Solar Foods in Helsinki is pioneering a new method of sustenance by cultivating bacteria in large fermenters fed with CO2 and hydrogen to create a product called Solein. This flavourless, protein-rich substance can replace eggs and milk in almost any food. Future meat will taste different. Bon appétit!



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