Radio & Podcast Drama

06 settembre 2024 ore 11:20


⧉  The Jury

Fernando Farías (RTA, Argentina), Chetah Bilé (CRTV, Cameroon), Katja Šimunić (HRT, Croatia), Perrine Kervran (ARTE FRANCE, France), Pásztor Zoltán (MTVA, Hungary), Ellen Dorrestein (NPO, The Netherlands), Andrzej Brzoska (PR, Poland), Klemen Markovčič (RTVSLO, Slovenia), Yevhenii Chyzh (UA:PBC, Ukraine).

The President: Ellen Dorrestein (NPO, The Netherlands).



The Finalists


Blasse Stunden/ Blijedi sati (Pale Hours/ Blijedi Sati)

Author: Manuela Tomic. Direction: Andreas Jungwirth; Daniela Gassner (Assistant). Actors: Marie-Luise Stockinger, Ljubiša Lupo Grujčić, Sandy Lopičić, Ana Stefanovic Bilic, Luka Vlatković. Sound Track: Manuel Radinger, Elmar Peinelt. Translation: Theresa Grandits, Davor Frkat (Serbo-Croatian), Kimi Lum (English). Intern: Cassilda Verderber. Producers: Elisabeth Zimmermann (Ö1), Stefanie Zussner (Line Producer).

Ivo has died. In a country that is both near and far for the mid-30s protagonist Mira. In the middle of the night, in 1998, she and her family get into the car in Völkermarkt (Carinthia) and drive to Bosnia for Grandfather Ivo's funeral. Mira fled the Bosnian war with her family as a child. Memories of life before the war and their escape as well as stories about arriving in a foreign country emerge. The war and the traumas associated with it haunt the father in particular. A special aspect is the protagonists' use of two languages (German/Serbo-Croatian). This reflects the linguistic reality of many refugees from the former Yugoslavia living in Austria and explores the limits of what German-speaking listeners can understand without knowing the words, based solely on the context.



Medeas dotter (Medea's Daughter)

Direction: Jessica Edén. Narrating Voice: Tyra Wingren. Actors: Tyra Wingren, Jessica Grabowsky, Elmer Bäck, Sara Soulié, Ellen Forsström, Joel Häggblom, Hanna Branders, Anna Bäckman, Artur Djupsjöbacka, Ellen Haakana, Noa Paul, Michelle Sarström, Vincent Runeberg, Walter Runeberg. Sound Track: Timo Hietala. Editing: Niko Ingman. Dramaturg, Audience Development: Matilda Gyllenberg. Translator: Rosanna Fellman. Producers: Marina Meinander-Sederholm; Barbro Ahlstedt, Anna-Maija Kalén (Production Coordinators). Producing Organisation: Svenska YLE. Production Year: 2023.

Medea's Daughter is a 3-part drama series. Our idea was to rewrite classics for teens. The story is loosely based on Euripides' play Medea, which is considered a feminist classic. The programme tackles the issues of divorce, power, feminism and social media hoaxes. The script is based on extensive interviews with police officers, cyber crime investigators, teachers and foremost high school students. A focus group of high school students participated in every step, from idea development to fixing dialogue. Many of them also participated in the recording of the audio drama as actors. We created a soundtrack with teens and had a composer who arranged the songs that our leading actor sang. These songs were also released. Our young actors were mostly amateurs and theatre school students. The series is mixed with Dolby Atmos with immersive surround sound. We created an extensive educational kit for high school students.


United Kingdom

Voices from the End of the World

Author: Lucy Catherine. Direction: Sasha Yevtushenko. Actors: Amanda Hale, Joel MacCormack. Sound Engineer, Editing: Peter Ringrose. Production Year: 2023.

In Autumn 2022, the writer Lucy Catherine travelled to the high arctic aboard a barquentine sailing ship with 29 other artists, searching for inspiration and healing in the polar twilight. In this drama-documentary, she tells the story of that personal voyage, combining it with a drama about two people travelling to the end of the world in search of a new beginning. "With exquisite sound design from Peter Ringrose, it's a deep meditation on grief, healing and personal discovery" (The Guardian). Footage of Lucy's expedition was recorded during her time in the arctic. The score was made up from a mixture of cleared commercial music and production library music. The programme had a strong impact with the audience, with many listeners getting in touch to say how moved they were by Lucy's bravery and honesty, as well as the beauty evoked by the writing and sound design.




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