Radio & Podcast Music

06 settembre 2024 ore 11:19


⧉  The Jury

Dirk Hühner (ARD, Germany), Eoin O Kelly (RTÉ, Ireland), Gianmaurizio Foderaro (RAI, Italy), Toms Andris Putniņš (LATVIJAS RADIO, Latvia), Johan Klareskog Larsson (SVERIGES RADIO, Sweden), Lizzie Hoskin (BBC, United Kingdom), Luigi Picardi (RV, Vatican State).

The President: Lizzie Hoskin (BBC, United Kingdom).



The Finalists


Hvem er Tessa? (Who is Tessa?)

Host: Pelle Peter Jencel. Editors: Ole Fugl Hørkilde, Morten Narvedsen. Editor-in-Chief: Anders Stegger. Sound Design: Jakob Franck Jensen. Project Manager: Maja Rathmann Mølbak.

Tessa wanders around in the winter cold in Vesterbro, Copenhagen. The year is 2014 and she is 16 years old. She has been to a party but has nowhere to stay. The homeless teenager ends up by breaking into McDonald's, where she falls asleep in a toilet. A few years later, the same girl will change the Danish music industry. She just doesn't know that yet. In the first episode of Who is Tessa?, we meet a young girl who is struggling to find her way in life. And then one day she receives a very special message that will change her life forever.



Exzess. Eine Techno-Oper (Excess. A Techno Opera)

Author: Noam Brusilovsky (Libretto). Direction: Noam Brusilovsky, Tobias Purfürst. Actors: Susanna Hurrell (Soprano); Peter Becker, Kilian Jörg, Jorinde Schulz, Lisa Hrdina, Rainer Sellien, Aviran Edri, Amy Benkenstein, Hannah Müller, Chiara Palmer, Guillaume Robin, Jorinde Schulz, Johan Andersson, Markus Hänsel (Voices). Composer: Tobias Purfürst. Editing: Juliane Schmidt. Technical Realisation: Nikolaus Löwe, Ulrich Hieber. Assistant Director: Eunike Kramer. Producing Organisation: Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg.

Jessica and Brian are on a world trip and stop off in Berlin, the capital of club culture. They head to Berlin's most well-known techno club. Every weekend thousands of guests from all over the world move together in unison to the rhythm of the beat on the club's dance floor. Partying in the TEMPEL is exclusive. The doorman decides who gets in. Excess – from Saturday evening to Monday morning. Many of the party-goers have one end in mind – to "club to death" – and drugs are definitely a part of it. For Jessica this has fatal consequences. She dies of an overdose during the night. The true story of this death of a club guest develops into a technoid epic and as the protagonist sings her tragic aria finale the techno set continues uninterrupted as backdrop.


United Kingdom

Between the Ears: Henry Mancini

Direction: Hannah Thorne. Production Year: 2024.

Between the Ears takes an immersive dive into the life and music of one of the greatest film composers of all time: Henry Mancini who was born 100 years ago this year. It tells his story from being handed a flute by his father, to composing hits like Moon River and The Pink Panther. The idea was to break free of the traditional composer documentary structure, so it is unpresented, and Mancini helps tell his own story via exclusive interviews from the BBC archives, adding insight, humour and pathos. We also hear from his daughter Monica Mancini, son in law Gregg Field, Film Music Expert Jon Burlingame and Pianist Tom Poster. The overall sound design playfully fuses archive and interview with newsreel and film clips. The main character in the storytelling though is the music: so the whole show is underscored with Mancini's music.




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