2025 Prix Italia Competition

12 marzo 2025 ore 15:02




The 2025 Competition is now open!


The broadcasters' contact persons that are already accredited on our online platform may login to upload their entries, starting from 24 March 2025.
If you don't remember your account details, you have troubles resetting your password or you don't have an account with us yet (aka a EPRIX number), please write us first.

Both programmes' submission and registration of jury members will be open until 19 June, 13:00 UTC.

Please note: the Digital Competition has changed! Please read carefully the summary here below, and this year's Regulations before submitting a Digital project.

The 77th Prix Italia Festival will be held in Naples from 20 to 24 October.


All about the 2025 Prix Italia Competition

The Competition.

The Prix Italia Competition is open to all broadcaster organisations, both private and public service. If your broadcaster has never competed in the Prix Italia before, you should write us first (see below).

The Competition is divided into three sections: for Radio & Podcast; for Television; for Digital projects. Each section is divided into three categories, as follows:

  • Radio & Podcast: Music / Drama / Documentary and Reportage
  • TV: Performing Arts / Drama / Documentary
  • Digital: Factual / Innovation* / Multimedia*

(*new! See below for details)


Number of programmes that may be submitted.

Each competing organisation may submit a maximum of one programme for each of the nine categories listed above.

Programmes must have been released no earlier than January 1, 2024 or scheduled for broadcast no later than 31 December 2026.


The new Digital categories.

After a discussion with our participants and juries, we have revamped the Digital Competition this year. For those who have participated in recent years, here is a summary of what's new.

In place of the old "Interactive" category, we introduced a new "Innovation" category, broadening the scope, opening it up more to the bleeding edge of technology: focusing, in particular, on user participation and interaction (how you can leverage new technologies to engage and interact with your public).

Then, we added a "Multimedia" category: our aim is to focus on the trans-and-crossmedia productions again: we already had a similar category in the past, but we believe that the range of these productions has meanwhile increased and changed (from the more common second-screen features to the most complex transmedia concepts).

Finally we confirm the Factual category as the only "content-oriented" left. However, we realize that keeping strong roots in reality today doesn't necessarily mean just "making a documentary". Sometimes we also learn a lot about reality from other kinds of productions, which are technically not documentaries. That is why we have also opened the category to works "potentially with elements of fiction": this also fits with docufiction, and even some fictional works that are born out of research, analysis and a desire to describe reality.

Lastly, we introduced into the regulations the wording "Digital First productions" by which we intend to better specify that these productions must be originally conceived for "the Web". Programmes originally intended for TV and then merely distributed online will not be accepted any more.


Programme submission.

You may submit a programme on our online platform, if you are already registered as a Contact Person for your broadcaster (i.e., you already have an EPRIX account). If you don't have an account yet, or you can't reset your password, or you need assistance, please contact prixitalia@rai.it.

The deadline for programme submission is 19 June, 2025 13:00 UTC.


New competitors.

Please note: the competition is open to broadcasting organisation only (as opposite to independent producers and filmmakers), and to nationwide coverage organisations (as opposite to local stations). If you are unsure, feel free to ask us for clarifications in advance.

Please fill in this form (zipped doc or pdf) and send it to us by email first.



The Juries of the Prix Italia competition are made up of delegates from the competing organisations. Each competitor may delegate one Juror for each of the 3 main sections of the competition (Radio & Podcast; TV; Digital).
The Special Prizes' Juries are composed of experts selected by the Prix Italia.

To register a Juror, fill in our online form.

A juror can register autonomously, without the need for intervention by a Contact Person of the competing organisation. Note that you will have to upload a jpeg headshot of yourself and a short presentation (10 lines will do).
You will also need to indicate in which section of the competition (Radio & Podcast; TV; Digital) you intend to be a Juror. The exact Jury you will be placed on depends on our Jury rotation outline, so that we have a balanced composition each year.

Newly registered organisations may delegate their Jurors too. We will update the Jury outline to include the new entrants.

Make sure to read carefully our Regulations (Art. 10) to learn about the Juries' proceedings. Also, note that our General Regulations (art. 4.5) states that "if Jurors are somewhat involved in the production of a programme, they cannot be part of the Jury that is asked to vote on it".


Downloads and links.

Our Regulations:


Register and uploading your programmes on our online platform:


For more information: prixitalia@rai.it


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