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Rai and Society
Owing to its public service remit, Rai is
not simply a business entity but is part of
the social, cultural and economic fabric
of the country.
The previous chapters, which outlined
Rai's mission and its Service Contract
and looked in detail at the various
media platforms used, clearly
demonstrate that from a statutory level
all the way down to the smallest
corporate or editorial decision, Rai is
always working to forge, vitalise and
strengthen its bonds with Italian citizens
at home and abroad. In carrying out its
mission, Rai respects people's cultures,
religions, sensitivities, languages and
any physical disabilities.
The management of this relationship
creates a real two-way flow.
Rai not only offers an array of
programming to fulfil its responsibility to
provide services, news and
entertainment but, above all, it is also
receptive to the trends and realities of
society, which it attempts, within the
limits of its remit, to reflect and
This commitment, which stems first and
foremost from an ethical and civil sense,
and only secondarily from legal
obligations and prescriptions, is present
throughout the Group and is embodied
in specific structures, chief among which
is the Social Secretariat.
Rai's Social Secretariat is in charge
of social communications and
programming. It draws up the
guidelines and reference principles for
the presentation of social problems by
Rai, within the sphere of the service
contract between Rai and the Ministry
of Communications. The Secretariat
defines, proposes and/or carries out
social initiatives, also in conjunction
with associations and institutions,
working on social issues outside as
well as inside radio and television and
multimedia programming. It takes
care of and promotes the social issues
represented by the associations and
institutions operating in this direction,
by directly interfacing with them, the
aim being to draw as much public
attention as possible to social
In 2010, the work of the Social Secretariat
developed throughout numerous
cooperative actions and initiatives, all of
which are listed on the website
They particularly include:
• Haiti DVD: featuring on the
emergency and development of
activity carried out by the winner of
the International Voluntary Prize
2010, organised by FOCSIV-Volontari
nel mondo for the United Nations
International Volunteer Day, with the
cooperation of TG1;
• Euentes, curates infirmos DVD on the
foundation, Medici con l'Africa
• Vittorio Patrelli Campagnano
Sommergibilista DVD, with the
cooperation of the Italian Navy;
• Afghanistan 2010 da parte nostra
DVD, with the cooperation of the
Ministry of Defence;
• 2 giugno 2010 festa della
Repubblica DVD (2 June 2010 - the
Italian Republic day), with the
cooperation of the Ministry of
As the Social Secretariat is a structure
that provides a link between Rai and
social communication operators, various
initiatives have been produced in
cooperation with institutional partners
and associations working in this sphere.
They particularly include:
• A training workshop held in
Afghanistan for the media of Herat,
for the 'Campaign for social
communication on peace missions of
the Italian Armed Forces'.
• Ceremony for the presentation of the
International Voluntary Award 2010,
organised by FOCSIV Volontari nel
mondo for the International Volunteer
• Press conference for the presentation
of the official video made by the
Italian Defence Staff (Stato Maggiore
della Difesa) and Rai and produced
by the Department for Women of the
Government of the Province of Herat
• Press conference for the presentation
of the 'XV Giornata della Memoria e
dell'Impegno' in memory of the
victims of the Mafia, organised by
Libera, Avviso Pubblico and the Rai
Social Secretariat.
• Award Ceremony of the third edition
of the Child Guardian Award 2010 -
dedicated to companies that defend
the image of minors, promoted by
the non-profit foundation Terre des
Hommes Italia.
• 'BiodiversaMente: Festival
dell'Ecoscienza', an awareness
initiative organised by the WWF.
• National awareness campaign
'Mondiali Sudafrica 2010: tutti in
campo contro il traffico di bambini',
promoted by ECPAT and Terre des
Hommes Italia.
• Within the scope of Prix Italia 2010,
organisation of conventions for the
Social Communication Days: 'Mass
Media: Disabilitą e nuove
tecnologie', '2010: Piccoli lavoratori,
piccoli schiavi', '2010: Essere donna
in Afghanistan'.
• In about 200 Italian towns - XVIII Fai
Spring Day, organised by FAI - Fondo
per l'Ambiente Italiano.
• 5th edition of 'Hai visto mai?'
celebration of the social and society
documentary, promoted by the
cultural association Hai visto mai?.
• Presentation of the first European
meeting 'Underforty Women Breast
Care', promoted by ALTS -
Associazione onlus, a no-profot
organisation for the fight of breast
cancer, in conjunction with the Istituto
Nazionale dei Tumori (Italian Cancer
Institute) of Naples.
• 'Puliamo il mondo', Italian edition of
the global project, operational in
over 120 countries, 'Clean Up the
World', organised by Legambiente
with the cooperation of Rai.
• Within the scope of the International
Book Fair of Turin - Presentation of
the book entitled "Verso il largo -
Dieci anni di vela solidale" by Mauro
Pandimiglio, published by Rai Eri.
• Fund raising at the May 1st Concert
in favour of orphans of victims of
professional accidents
• The regatta 'Handy Cup 2010'.
• Convention entitled 'Alimentazione e
Nutrizione in Parole', organised by
FeSin - Federazione delle Societą
Italiane di Nutrizione (Federation of
Italian nutrition societies) and the Rai
Social Secretariat.
• Presentation of the 3rd International
Short Film Festival Tulipani di Seta
Nera: Un sorriso diverso, organised
by the university student association
'Universitą cerca lavoro'.
• Reti Rai - Trenta Ore per la Vita,
television marathon to raise funds in
favour of Abio.
• 'Giornata delle oasi WWF 2010' -
130 nature reserves open free of
charge in all the Italian regions:
guided tours, exhibitions, children's
activities, itineraries for the disabled,
organised by the WWF.
• Reti Rai - Every One Campaign to
put an end to infant mortality,
promoted by Save the Children.
• 14th edition of Amnesty Days
2010, organised by Amnesty
International and dedicated this
year to the campaign 'Io pretendo
dignitą' and particularly to the
action of Amnesty International, to
put an end to death during
• Capodanno sul Mare broadcast in
conjunction with Radio1: a non-stop
live broadcast for New Year's Eve
featuring a link-up with Italians at sea
all over the world.
• Fund raising event in support of the
campaign 'Un pasto al giorno',
promoted by the Community Papa
Giovanni XXIII, during the year-end
television broadcast L'anno che verrą
on RaiUno.
The Social Secretariat is also responsible
for the production of descriptive
voiceovers (in collaboration with
RaiUno, RaiDue, RaiTre and RadioRai)
so that blind people can listen in to
radio broadcasts describing the onscreen
action of a number of popular
television programmes.
The role played, with the aid of the
Social Secretariat, by the Sede
Permanente di confronto on social
programming, which is made up of 12
members representing sections of civil
society and 12 representing Rai, should
also be mentioned. This is a standing
committee for the monitoring of socially
relevant output to ensure that the
provisions of the Service Contract on
respect and the quality of the spaces
dedicated to social issues are
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