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Commercial Division

The Commercial Development and Coordination management, in keeping with strategic guidelines for the development of new revenues, focused operation once again in 2010 on revenue opportunities on the multiplatform market and on the expansion and management of conventions with public administration, activating appropriate synergies with the Group Managements and companies. In detail:

New Business Division

• Rai made the most of the commercial opportunities of the 'must have' channels and of the remote video recording services, to offer anytime/anywhere consumption opportunities, particularly the license to supply to Fastweb with DTT channels for broadcasting on the IPTV platform in simulcast.

• Licensing of the broadcasting rights for audio-visual contents in clip form for broadcasting and promotion on mobile devices and web portals for the supply by Rai of on-demand contents on a non-exclusive basis, through enabled Sony devices.

• Development of initiatives to make the most of the Sport Library owned by/available to Rai - in terms of evolution of the commercial line thanks to agreements with Football Clubs (Rai/SS Lazio and Rai/A.S. Bari) - and of the football assets.

• Implementation of forms of interaction in programmes via landline and/or mobile phone, which respond to the dual aim of increasing income from revenue sharing on the telephone traffic generated, programming enhancement and involvement of the young target.

• Commercial enhancement of socalled production services to make the most of filming, broadcasting and availability of pictures from the company archives.

Conventions Division

• Exploitation of the needs for institutional visibility at central and local level via the development of multi-platform integrated offering models which comprise the inclusion of the themes chosen by the central and local public administration within television programming, spaces on specially created channels or analytical theme-based divisions on DTT, distribution of contents on the and portals and Televideo files.

• Development of the project Un'idea per le Regioni, aimed at proposing multimedia communication plans based upon the implementation of Internet portals and virtual exhibitions, to make the most of the historical, cultural and artistic aspects of local areas.

• Implementation of the institutional project Rai per la Cultura, dedicated to the dissemination of Rai's cultural heritage by offering the public products from the Teche contained in a multimedia catalogue, available for use on a special website which allows purchases using different distribution techniques.

• Definition of agreements with local authorities for the staging of concerts by the National Symphony Orchestra.

• Development of projects for the recovery and restoration of audiovisual materials stored in the Teche of Rai regional offices, accompanied by their commercial exploitation.

• Creation of radio and television programmes aimed at linguistic minorities.

• Commercial enhancement of territorial promotions linked to the localisation of audio-visual productions (fiction series, documentaries, TV movies, miniseries, etc.).

• Development of technological research projects and industrial application through the adjudication of European funding.

RAI: Rai Radio Televisione Italiana